Seattle Public Schools



Replacement Project

A new replacement school was built on the same location as the old school.

Save the Date!

A community celebration will be held on Thursday, June 6, 2024 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tours of the school building will be offered. More information will be provided closer to June.


construction phase graphic showing that the school is in the Open phase
Learn about each project phase
  • Predesign phase complete
  • Schematic Design phase complete
  • Design Development phase complete
  • Construction Documents/Permitting phase complete
  • Bid and Award phase complete
  • Construction in progress
  • School opened Sept. 6, 2023

Recent Progress

Progress updates are posted for the previous month.

Major activity in January 2024

  • Punchlist items are in progress.

Major activity planned for February 2024

  • Complete site activities.
  • Complete remaining interior finishes and exterior site punchlist items.

Project Photos

a demolition site with heavy equipment and piles of debris in front of a partially demolished building
Demolition with debris sorting – Aug. 2021
a large pile of debris including concrete blocks and wood in front of a partially demolished building
Recyclable materials being sorted on site – Aug. 2021
a construction site has steep soil walls and a zig-zag of concrete forms with rebar at the bottom and up the sides
Form work, pre-waterproofing, and rebar in place for retaining wall footings – Dec. 2021
aerial view of a large construction jobsite with piles of earth, wood frames, and construction equipment
Looking southwest at the construction of the new school – Jan. 2022
aerial view of a construction site
Aerial view of Viewlands construction site
a large hole at a construction site has material under yellow curved pieces that are partially covered with gravel
Installation of stormwater detention chambers – silt settles out as water passes through the chambers – Feb. 2022
a large pit has metal forms holding up the sides with metal supports bracing them
Aluma formwork panels for the retaining walls – Feb. 2022
a very tall concrete wall with a person standing in front of it. the person comes up about 1/3 of the height
Lower concrete retaining wall after form work was removed – Mar. 2022
wooden formwork is in place in holes in the dirt of a construction site
Classroom wing footing framework – Mar. 2022
drilling rigs on a construction site
Rigs drilling geothermal wells on the upper terrace – April 2022
a concrete retaining wall aboe a steep drop off
Upper concrete retaining wall and rebar cage, looking southeast – April 2022
aerial view of a construction site with retaining walls
Upper and lower concrete retaining walls in place, looking east – April 2022
a concrete mixer sites in front of a concrete slab being poured
Concrete pour for the west half of the primary classroom wing – April 2022
aerial view of a construction site
Aerial view of project, looking northwest – May 2022
steel being lifted with a crane
Steel erection for classroom wing – May 2022
a partially built structure with yellow panels being installed
Installing the exterior sheathing – May 2022
a three story structure under construction with just steel beams
Classroom wing structure taking shape – June 2022
interior of a building under construction
Metal stud framing going up on the classroom building exterior – June 2022
a concrete floor has people finishing soft concrete
Concrete finishers at work on the slab-on-metal deck for the 2nd floor of the classroom wing – June 2022
adult and child signing a steel beam outside
Staff and students signed one of the steel beams to be used in the new school building – June 2022
a child writes on a white steel beam
Student signing a steel beam for the new building – June 2022
a drawing of a heart and words that say Mr. Mohomed the heart of Viewlands
A staff member marked the beam to keep Mr. M as part of the school – June 2022
a white steel i-beam has signatures in various colors on it
Signed beam to be used in the new school – June 2022
aerial view of a large building under construction
Aerial view of the project – Aug. 2022
an aeriel view from one side of a building under construction
Aerial photo with classroom wing on top right and gym on lower left – Aug. 2022
a crane is lifting steel beams over a concrete slab
Installing structural steel for the gym and commons, looking east – Aug. 2022
s steel frame for a building is being shaped
Structural steel frame for the gym, looking south – Aug. 2022
steel stair frames on the outside of a building under construction
Installing steel stair frames in the classroom wing – Aug. 2022
a three story building under construction with metal studs going up
Metal stud framing and exterior sheathing going up on classroom wing – Aug. 2022
aerial view of a large construction site with part of the building showing walls and part still structural steel
Aerial photo looking southwest, classroom wing in upper right and gym/commons/administration wing in center – Sept. 2022
Aerial view of a large construction site surrounded by evergreen trees
Aerial view looking northwest with the classroom wing to the left and the gym/commons/admin wing to the right – Sept. 2022
a crane lifting steel beams at a construction site
Installing structural steel for the gymnasium and commons – Sept. 2022
two people standing on a steel beam as another is raised toward them with a flag on it
Topping out ceremony with ironworkers setting the last steel beam for the project – Sept. 2022
a two story high steel frame has metal decking on top
Installation of metal decking and glulam beams over the gymnasium – Sept. 2022
a concrete floor with a metal and steel ceiling and metal wall framing
Pre-school area with fire sprinklers and ceiling hangers – Sept. 2022
aerial view of a large building under construction
Aerial view from the southwest showing the classroom wing in the foreground – Oct. 2022
aerial view of a large L shaped building under construction with large holes dug in ground
Aerial view of entire site – gym and commons at upper left – Oct. 2022
a 3-story building under construction with brick being put on the bottom level
Beginning masonry installation on the classroom wing – Oct. 2022
a masonry wall going onto a building with varying colors of bricks
Close up of masonry being installed on classroom wing – Oct. 2022
a large building with underlayment and window holes
Exterior of library and gymnasium, looking SW – Oct. 2022
interior of a building under construction with metal framing and metal ceiling
3rd floor of classroom wing interior – Oct. 2022
aerial view of a large building with blue walls and flat roofs
Aerial view of the project, looking northwest – Nov. 2022
aerial view of a part of a large building with blue walls and construction equipment
Aerial view looking southwest with classroom wing in the top right – Nov. 2022
aerial photo of an L shaped building with a dirt area in front that includes a large hole
Aerial view of future play area and school, looking southeast – Nov. 2022
scaffoding above the first floor of a dark brick building under construction
Installing masonry brick veneer on the classroom wing – Nov. 2022
metal wall studs inside a large unfinished building
Installing metal stud framing and hollow metal door jambs in the admin area – Nov. 2022
aerial view of a very large building under construction
Aerial photo showing classroom wing, looking south – Dec. 2022
a three story brick building has boarded up window spaces on first floor and plastic covered window holes on levels 2 and 3. construction equipment is in the foreground
Completed masonry brick veneer on classroom wing, looking south – Dec. 2022
a partially completed room with wallboard that is not taped and a chipboard panel on one wall
Classroom with wallboard being installed – Dec. 2022
a shaft under construction has two by fours across the entry and a safety light
Work underway in elevator shaft – Dec. 2022
aerial showning a large L shaped building and construction site
Entire site looking southeast; classroom wing to right, gym and commons to left – Jan. 2023
a three story building with dark colored masonry and construction materials
Classroom wing with masonry brick veneer – Jan. 2023
aerial showning a large L shaped building and construction site. the building has blue sheathing and a lift truck
Masonry brick veneer starting at service yard and loading dock area – Jan. 2023
interior of a large room under construction with workers and equipment, a metal ceilding, and partially finished walls
Classroom shared learning space – Jan. 2023
a hallway under construction with large openings on each side, ceiling structure showing, and wall board with tape and mud
Corridor in classroom wing with wallboard work in progress – Jan. 2023
closeup of a window with glass that has dots on it. brick veneer surrounds the window
Bird safe glass in windows because the school is in a migration path – Jan. 2023
aerial of a large L-shaped building under construction with soil and equipment in between the wings
Aerial view with classroom wing on right – Feb. 2023
3-story gray brick covered building with a lift by one window
Masonry brick veneer mimics sediment patterns on classroom wing – Feb. 2023
a section of a 3-story building with blue weatherproofing and glass windows
Windows at east end of classroom wing, looking SE – Feb. 2023
3 closets with walls around them that are partly painted
Painting walls around single-occupant restrooms – Feb. 2023
a large room under construction with windows
Natural light in classroom – Feb. 2023
the corner of a dark brick 2 story building with windows forms an L shape with construction materials on the ground
Service yard area showing brick veneer and windows – March 2023
a large volume 2-story room is under construction with taped but not finished wall board, windows and doors, and the bottom part of a scissor lift visible
Drywall work in progress in a 3rd floor classroom – March 2023
a large room has an open ceiling windows on two walls in the corner, and cabinets around the perimeter. A ladder and flat material are in the center
Casework and ceiling grid in a new classroom with natural light – March 2023
a large room with an open ceiling grid that has a fan and lights installed. casework is around the sides. on the left, doors and windows look out to an interior space
Classroom casework, ceiling grid, light fixtures, and fans – March 2023
aerial view of a 3 story building with dark brick
Classroom wing looking northeast – April 2023
aerial view of a multi story building with construction work going on
View toward northwest with classroom wing to left and preschool area in lower right – April 2023
a concrete stairway with green wallboard that has tape and mud on it
Gypsum wallboard work in stairway – April 23
a long hallway with windows on one side and doors on the other side
Ceiling grid installation in classroom wing corridor – April 2023
a small room has tile floors and walls
Ceramic tile complete in classroom wing toilet area – April 2023
aerial of a large L shaped building with the lower right part three stories
Looking southeast with the play area starting to take shape
aerial of a large L shaped building with dirt and construction equipment around it
Classroom wing, looking northeast – May 2023
square concrete forms with rebar are in front of a brown brick building
Canopy footings being prepped at front of building – May 2023
a two story room with wood beams on the ceiling and a raised concrete stage and steps to the right
Gypsum wallboard and glu-lam beams in the commons – May 2023
a smaller space inside a large space has windows on one side and sliding glass doors on the other
Sliding doors on a breakout space – May 2023
a classroom has shelves under the windows, carpet with plastic runners, and a white board
Classroom finishes in progress – May 2023
aerial of a large building with roofing work, and construction machines around it
Looking northwest with preK at bottom – June 2023
aerial photo showing various construction work on a large L shaped building
Looking southeast with classroom wing on right side – June 2023
part of a 3-story brick building with a black fence behind a curb
Cleaned brick and fencing – June 2023
a breezeway with metal posts is in front of a building
Front entrance canopy and bicycle shelter – June 2023
a two-story glass window wall is being installed. construction equipment can be seen and a large brick building is outside the window
Curtain wall installation in the commons with glue lam beams in the ceiling – June 2023
looking up to a ceiling with lights and dimensional ceiling tiles in a grid
Ceiling grid and ceiling tiles in a shared learning space – June 2023
a person on a jacklift is installing ceiling tiles on an angled ceiling
Acoustical panel installation – June 2023
aerial of a large building with construction work happening
Classroom wing in foreground with work in progress on play areas – August 2023
aerial view of an L shaped building with construction work happening in the area between them
Play area in progress in the foreground with the glass walls of the commons facing out – August 2023
a classroom with tables and chairs stacked and a window with a bookcase below it
2nd floor classroom – August 2023
a stairway leads up with wood walls next to it
Stairway in classroom wing – August 2023
a large room with a stage has a wall of windows looking outside
Commons with stage with a view to the classroom wing out the windows – August 2023
a large room with tile floors and metal kitchen equipment
Kitchen and equipment – August 2023
a group of adults and children outside of a building
FIrst day of school at main entrance – Sept. 2023
aerial view of a building under construction
Classroom wing to right with play area and grounds work in progress – Sept. 2023
aerial view of a large building with trees
Looking northwest with PreK space in center front – Sept. 2023
aerial view of a large building with a parking lot and trees
Looking southwest with the administration, library, commons, and gym section in the center of the photo – Sept. 2023
a lunchroom with tables and ceiling fans
Commons and stage – Sept. 2023
a building under construction with workers
Work underway at covered play area – Sept. 2023
a library with books on shelves
New library – Sept. 2023
aerial photo of a large L shaped building on a sloped site
Looking northeast with the classroom wing on the bottom right – Oct. 2023
a paved area has a play area road and parking painted on it
Bicycle safety and play area – Oct. 2023
students are using playground structures that have temporary orange construction fencing around them
Students using playground structures during recess – Oct. 2023
aerial view of a large four story building with a play area that has playground equipment
Site view with classroom wing to right, looking northeast – Nov. 2023
aeriel of a large building with a white roof with trees behind it
Site view with PreK in lower center, looking northwest with Carkeek Park just outside property – Nov. 2023
an office with a reception desk and full height glass windows
Front desk and secure entry in administration office – Nov. 2023
a library with a story area
Library with cozy reading area – Nov. 2023
a large room with a wall of windows and exposed wood beams a stage is on the left and there are lunch tables
Dining commons with view toward Carkeek Park – Nov. 2023
a breezeway in front of a building with glass doors and decorative pavers
Main entrance with shapes representing Orcas in the paving – Nov. 2023
a covered area with bike racks and a perforated metal back wall
Secure bicycle parking at main entrance – Nov. 2023
aerial view of a large L-shaped building with a playground
Looking northeast with the classroom wing on the right – Dec. 2023
aerial view of a large L-shaped building with planters in front and a parking area with cars in it
Looking southwest with the entry plaza and canopy to the left – Dec. 2023
an outdoor area has blocks on a paved area, large rocks, and some plants. A large building with windows is behind it.
Outdoor learning garden on southwest side of school – Dec. 2023
outdoor play area with a play structure, fish and filled circles painted on paving, and two slides on a slope from a building to the play area
Playground with covered play area and hillside slides – Dec. 2023
a concrete paved area next to a building has a roof on posts over it
Covered play area adjoins the gymnasium – Dec. 2023
a space outside of a classroom has tables, seating, a nook, and a carpet
Shared learning commons with a seating nook – Dec. 2023
a large clasroom has tables and a white board with transom windows and ceiling lights
Art classroom – Dec. 2023
a space with a rug and bookshelves
Story time area in the library – Dec. 2023

Project Designs

Architects drawings of the future school building

a one story building with multiple people of many ages on the sidewalk and plaza
Entry to new school off of 3rd Ave. NW
a hallway with people looking a map and going through glass doors
Inside the new entry
a room with groups of seating and a window
New family engagement center near front entrance
drawing of an elementary school lunchroom with long tables and round tables
Lunchoom open to gym with view of Carkeek Park beyond
drawing of a gym with wood floors and lines painted on the floor
New gymnasium
a learning commons with classrounds around it and seating and a white board
Learning commons
a learning commons with classrooms surrounding it and seating options
Kindergarten learning commons
drawing of a library with tables, bookshelves and seating areas and people of various ages
Library in new school

About the Project

The existing Viewlands Elementary will be demolished to make way for a new multi-story school building. The new school will be approximately 106,000 square feet and provide permanent classroom space for up to 650 students.

The new Viewlands Elementary School is designed to provide an equitable, safe, and inspired learning environment. A collaborative design process included school leadership, parents, and community members. The resulting plan is infused with nature, outdoor learning, and natural light. It will provide the spaces and resources that students need for academic success. 

Outdoor learning areas include adjacent storage, water, and power to support educational activities. Exceptional trees will be preserved, and new trees will increase the overall tree canopy on site when mature.

Secure, enclosed and covered bike parking is located along the main entry route and is visible and accessible to all students and staff. Additional covered, short term bicycle parking for visitors is provided within view of the school’s main office. Site improvements will include covered and open play areas, and new parking.

The school building is thoughtfully designed to fit into the neighborhood and to recognize its unique location adjoining Carkeek Park.

Sustainable Design and Construction

Mechanical and electrical sustainable design features mean that no fossil fuels will be used onsite  in accordance with the Board’s Clean Energy Resolution 20/21-18 and will position the school to meet the district’s goal of net-zero energy-usage.

The new school includes a geothermal heating system, a highly efficient ventilation system that recovers 90% of the exhaust air heat, and energy efficient LED lighting. The roof is designed to accommodate solar panels which could offset 80% of the buildings energy use in the future.

Sustainable site design strategies include:

  • On-site storm water management with pervious paving and run-off directed to bioretention gardens planted with native plants
  • Drought-resistant plantings
  • Fully shielded dark-sky compliant site lighting
  • Optimal building orientation for maximum daylighting and minimum solar heat gain and glare, which reduces electric lighting use and cooling needs
  • Highly insulated walls and roof to increase thermal efficiency
  • Fiberglass high-efficiency windows to increase thermal efficiency, reduce air leakage, and minimize outside noise

Projected Energy Use Index (EUI): 15.8

Design Firm: Mahlum Architects

Contractor: Absher Construction

Project manager: Brian Fabella,, 206-252-0702

Project Budget: $88.1M

Funding Source: Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V) approved by Seattle voters in 2019


Let’s Talk Question and Comment form

Viewlands Elementary School
10525 3rd Ave NW

School Profile

School Website