Seattle Public Schools

Health Education

LGBTQ Programs, Curriculum and Support

GSA Student Groups

We are proud to have Gender and Sexuality Alliances aka Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) groups at almost all high schools and many middle schools. 

To get connected with a group at your school, please email Health Education, with your name and which school you attend. 

K-5 Gender Book Kits

In response to student need, the district introduced classroom materials that focus on age-appropriate concepts of gender and gender identity. The K-5 Gender Book Kits are available to Seattle’s K-5 teachers.

The books and lessons were developed by a district-led task force community members, parents and educators in response to the state’s adoption of new Health Education standards. These standards introduce at the elementary school level concepts such as gender, gender roles, gender expression and gender identity.

Our district promotes safe, welcoming schools

While the state includes gender identity within Health Education standards, the conversations around gender identity align with the district’s commitment to identity safety for all. An identity safe classroom allows students to feel visible and valued.

Classroom conversations have already been happening organically as most of our schools have students who identify as transgender or are gender non-conforming. Rather than put educators in the position of finding materials to answer student questions, the district led the work to provide standards-based, age-appropriate materials.

While individual families hold their own beliefs and values about a wide range of issues, SPS will continue to support the universal values of kindness and respect in the classroom.

Overall, the K-5 Gender Book Kit aims to:

  • Meet the Washington State Health Education Standards for Self-Identity, while aligning with grade-level Literacy Standards
  • Reflect the lived experiences of students, families, and friends
  • Provide accurate, age-appropriate information about gender identity and expression
  • Build empathy for people whose experiences are different from their own
  • Decrease bullying and harassment

Contact Us

Lisa Love
Manager, Health Education

Sam Cristol
Project Program Coordinator III, Health Education

Useful Links

Policies and Procedures:

Superintendent Procedure 2015SP.A

3207  Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

  • Superintendent Procedure 3207SP.A Students
  • Superintendent Procedure 3207SP.B Adults

3208  Sexual Harassment

3210  Nondiscrimination, Acts of Hostility and Defamation

Family Resources: